Why care about emotions or energy anyway?!

I am kept awake in the wee hours of the morning being urged to write this by something within. So here I am, writing while my house is dark and silent and my husband sleeps beside me.

I have a lot of information on my business cards.

They tell you that I am certified in a number of things. That I am an energist. That I use flower essences, reiki, EFT, intuition, spiritual guidance. That I can help you. But what does it all mean and how can I help people, and why should they be helped in the first place?

I’m an expert of the energy body.

The spirit part of ‘mind, body and spirit’. The part that many forget they even have. It’s easy to forget because it’s not able to be seen with our eyes.

Just like the physical body, the energy body wants to be well. It wants to be balanced and wants flow. However it is much more subtle to tell if it is out of balance and needs assistance.

Fortunately, we have EMOTIONS  and feelings to guide us.

Take for example the word ‘Marriage’. If you say this word out loud or to yourself, does the energy of this word flow through your body pleasantly? Or does it begin its journey and get stuck somewhere? A lump in the throat, a twinge in the gut? Does saying it result in tension or pain in your body somewhere, a feeling of unease, an emotion such as fear or worry or anxiety? This latter situation is an indication of an energy disruption.

Visual representation of disrupted energy flow

Try the same thing with other words as an experiment. Try: ‘Sex’, ‘Food’, ‘Chocolate’, ‘Success’, ‘Love’, ‘Mother’, ‘Attractive’, ‘Money’, ‘Going on a plane’, ‘Spiders’, ‘Exercise’. Where does the energy go? Does it flow through or does it get stuck? Maybe some of those zipped through your energy happily (nice hey?), maybe others didn’t.

So why do we care?

Why do we care if we say a word and it feels awkward? Big deal, right! It’s just words, after all.

We care because not only is that feeling an indication of our stance towards that word on its own, but it is an indication of our beliefs and attitude towards that entire concept, and a clear indication that something is not quite right, energetically. It is then very likely that we could have issues with that part of our lives outwardly, and flow-on issues as a result. Therefore that feeling is VERY important.

Why the energy body?

Why don’t we just fix things with our physical worlds and be done with it? Or tell ourselves the truth of the situation and use our minds to think ourselves to be more positive?

If we want to solve a problem with ‘Exercise’ for example (say we feel dread when we think about exercising), we have three choices.

  1. Engage the physical body and make ourselves do it, one step after the other, even though we don’t want to.
  2. Engage the mental body and psych ourselves up to get out and exercise regularly, even though we don’t want to.
  3. Engage the energy body and evolve that feeling of dread into something more positive, so exercising is no longer dread-ful at all.

Options 1 and 2 aren’t going to be easy nor sustainable long term. They are going to require motivation, focus, and energy to maintain. However, option 3 addresses the root cause, has the entire person (mind, body and spirit!) in agreement and flow, and resolves the issue permanently. It makes it easy! And the energy body is quick to adjust when you work with a practitioner.

Gone are the days of pushing yourself through something that you hate when you can evolve how you feel!

My business cards could say so many things!

Via the energy body we can tackle anything and everything. Mental and emotional problems most definitely, such as stress or anxiety, but also physical problems which have emotional components. We can alter our beliefs, our relationships, concepts, our view of ourselves and others and the world around us. This means that our reality is able to be changed and improved! We are no longer limited by our past experiences or negative beliefs. We have the ability to change our lives for the better – and it’s easy!

When we are able to get in at the root of the issue, treating the energy body directly and improving how we feel about something without mental or physical effort, we just feel good!

Healthy energy flow!

Now how do I put all that onto a business card?